Butterfly Observation Group BOG

Butterfly Observers Group BOG
The bi-monthly meetings are currently on hold due to Covid issues and will resume when the Upper Arlington Library opens up it’s meeting rooms
The Ohio Lepidopterists sponsor a group for butterfly observers known as the Butterfly Observers Group (or BOG). The Butterfly Observers Group meets every other month. Each meeting features a program on butterflies, moths or a nature related program. Some previous programs have been on butterfly gardening, caterpillars, Lepidoptera lifecycle, dragonflies and where to look for butterflies.
During “flight months,” (April to October) the Butterfly Observer Group plans two field trips a month. Locations have included;
- Shawnee State Forest
- Cedar Bog
- Wayne National Forest

You never know what you will see on a BOG trip! Here are just a few of the highlights;
- Southern Dogface
- Early Hairstreak
- Regal Fritillary
Non-Lepidoptera have been sighted as well. This year both a Timber Rattlesnake and a Mississippi Kite were spotted!