Ohio Lepidopterists

Ohio Lepidopterists

Welcome to the new Ohio Lepidopterists’ website! Ohio Leps is moving into the 21st century with new features, starting with our annual meeting. Covid has changed all our lives and in person meetings are just not possible or safe. So, we are bringing the annual meeting to you!

We will be live streaming our annual meeting in a different format than usual. Instead of a day long meeting, we will break it up into monthly webinars. Our first webinar will be Sam Jaffe, Director of the caterpillar lab. Sam is a dynamic and very knowledgeable speaker. In fact he spoke at the 2019 annual meeting. However, because of a huge snowstorm, many couldn’t make it. So, another benefit to a live streaming meeting!

annual meeting info and event registration



2 thoughts on “Welcome!”

    1. I am unaware of Culver’s Root as a host plant. There are a few sites that say it is a host for The Buckeye butterfly, but I would not trust them. Often plants are labeled as hosts and really are not. That does not mean that there is not a lep that uses it. Many moth larvae are generalists and may use it. In addition, many host plants for moths are unknown. In addition, it is a great nectar plant. So enjoy it!

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Welcome to the new Ohio Lepidopterists’ website! Ohio Leps is moving into the 21st century with new features, starting with our annual meeting. Covid has changed all our lives and